Saturday, December 5, 2009

Planning the Summer 2010 Cruise

I have to start taking notes of the destinations that I want to enjoy in 2010. So here goes:

Have you ever been to Sucia Island? If not, feel free to ask me for a ride - I can't get enough excuses to go up there. It sometimes makes me want to keep the boat in Anacortes just so I can get to Sucia easier.
This past summer '09 we needed destinations with on-shore lodging, so no dice on Sucia. The entire island is a State Park. Check out (this link for wiki; this link for a more artful description) to learn more about it's history, but in short, a few visionaries bought up the land and donated it to the State Parks system for all to enjoy. THANKS!
In '07 and '08, we did Fossil Cove and Shallow Bay respectively. What fantastic times. You feel so far from civilization. There's only a few others enjoying the locale with you, but everyone seems respectful of each other. Not a lot of partying going on... Maybe just a beachfront fire or two.
Summer 2010, Sucia is definitely on the list. Ewing Cove, to be exact. It's small. Only four buoys and you need to be on the buoy because the ground is hard, and there's a fair amount of current as the tide changes. So we'll need to get there early. We'll see.